Sunday, September 27, 2015

Secret To Happiness

Good Morning Friends!

Today I'm bringing you something a little different than the norm.

I saw an inspirational quote on Pinterest that really spoke to me. I tried to find the original source of the quote, but had very little success.

I decided to word the quote differently, being careful to not lose the meaning. This is what I came up with:

Sometimes in life, we get caught up in what we think should happen or what we want to happen and we forget to live in the here and now. Just let it be what it is. As I've heard (and said) so many times before, it is what it is.

I also like the saying, "The past is gone, the future isn't here yet, let's enjoy the present." ~ original author unknown

Dealing with a ton of chronic illnesses, I'm learning to take it one day at a time. Sometimes one hour at a time.

Each day is a gift. Let's enjoy that gift that God's given us. Let's live in the here and now.

Happiness must be created. It's not handed to us on a silver platter. I'm a realist. I know it's not that easy to just be happy. Does that mean we shouldn't even try? I can only speak for myself, but I'm choosing to try!

Thanks for stopping by today! Enjoy your Sunday & Have a beautiful week! ~ Pat

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