Tuesday, September 29, 2015

Show Appreciation To Law Enforcement

Hello Friends!

Before I get started, I want to acknowledge that this is a touchy subject with some people. I'm not trying to offend anyone by posting this. This is just my personal beliefs and feelings. It's not meant to take away from anyone else's feelings or from the #blacklivesmatter movement. It's simply to show my appreciation.

I was invited to an "event" on Facebook that starts today, September 29, 2015 and runs through October 1, 2015. I think they did it that way to account for all the different time zones, etc. The actual "Appreciation Day" is September 30, 2015.

I wish to show my appreciation to the men and women who serve as police officers every single day, putting their lives on the line to protect my safety. I truly believe that the vast majority of officers do love and care about the communities they serve in.

I've been the victim of crimes in the past. I have always had caring, compassionate officers respond and come to my rescue. I've gotten traffic tickets over the years. Yes, I have a lead foot lol I've interacted with many different officers from different races. They've always treated me with respect and courtesy.

Again, I know that there are some officers that have done some awful things. But please don't lump all police into the category of "cops are bad", because they are not all bad! If they didn't commit the crime, don't make them do the time!

I know I don't like to be lumped into a group based on my race or gender. I'm not a "nazi-feminist", nor am I a racist. Please don't lump me in with the bad in my race.

Just like black people don't like to be lumped into the category of "thugs", officers don't want to be all labeled "bad cops".

Show your appreciation to law enforcement, not because of what a few have done, but because of what the majority have done! That is, protect and serve.

Every day these men and women help victims of crimes, they prevent crimes, they help injured people, they help the mentally ill, they help educate school children, they find lost/abducted children, the list goes on and on. They do so many positive things for the communities.

I see nothing wrong with taking a day (or a few) to show appreciation for all the good that they do! Again, I'm not trying to take away from anyone that has had a bad experience. This is my personal feelings and experiences. :)

Please wear blue to show your appreciation. Tie blue ribbons around your mailboxes, your car antennas, a tree, etc. and show these brave men and women that they are appreciated! ~ Pat :)

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